Fir$t of all ! have rapped for money and got more than a 6!rd / Why the fucc you th!nk ! l!ve $o clo$e to the $u66ur6$ / E!ther you $tup!d or you really don't know / Corner p!tch'n !n the hood you'll neva get $ome real doe / Wh!le you keep $ell'n d!me$ on the 6locc / !'m dump'n 3.5 get'n 250 a pop / look don't get !t twi$ted mann / !'m not from mn. ! from KAN$A$ C!TY / Where the $treetz !z real gr!tty / you 6etta come correct !f you don't then don't come w!t !t / cuz you don't want none of !t / C at home we don't talk alot / 6ut we love to clutch $ome $h!t and $park up yo whole 6locc / n!gga ! love to 6u$t / L!ke ahh mexican add!cted to angel du$t / you know yall $carde of u$ / only t!me yall come to ka$a$ c!ty !z when yall r!de threw on the 6u$ / p!mp you a!n't the only one roll'n ahh lac / ! got one too w!t my $trap !n my lap / ! r!de $olo n!gga ! don't need no crew / run up on !t and c what ! can do / one fl!cc of the wr!$t and yo l!fe !z threw..